Splunk Mission Control

Streamline your security operations by centralizing threat detection, investigation and response with Splunk Mission Control. This is done in a modern and unified workspace, reducing the complexity of security incident management.

Splunk Mission Control
How Splunk Mission Control works

Unified security operations for the modern SOC

Unify detection, investigation and response

Gain valuable security insights and identify risks swiftly by leveraging your security data to drive actionable outcomes. Unify your SOC tools and data into one comprehensive workspace. This enables you to effectively detect critical threats. In addition, you can conduct thorough investigations and respond intelligently to mitigate risks and protect your organization.

Modernize your security operations

Increase your proactive stance and response speed by automating manual and repetitive security processes across your integrated security stack. By leveraging automation, you can enable your security team to focus on more valuable tasks and strategic initiatives. At the same time, you ensure consistent and efficient handling of security incidents. This enables faster response times, reduces human errors, and enhances overall operational efficiency.

Simplify your security workflows

Optimize your security operations by streamlining and standardizing your processes. Simplify and enhance SOC process adherence, repeatability, and auditability by codifying your operating procedures into pre-defined templates. Ensure a consistent and efficient response by modeling your response plans around your team’s key use cases. This will enable better coordination and effectiveness in addressing security incidents.


Prepare for takeoff

Splunk Mission Control is an advanced application for Splunk Enterprise Security Cloud Users. It offers a unified, simplified, and modernized experience for managing security operations within their Security Operations Center (SOC). A centralized platform brings together various security tools, data sources, and workflows, enabling SOC teams to effectively detect, investigate, and respond to security threats. Users can gain comprehensive visibility, streamline their operations, and make informed decisions to strengthen their overall security posture.

Scalable security analytics

Gain visibility into a unified queue of your high-fidelity incidents, comprised of prioritized risk notables. This consolidated view allows you to efficiently manage and respond to critical security incidents. Like this you can focus your attention on the most important risks. By centralizing all your risk notables in one queue, you can easily prioritize and address them. This improves your organization’s security posture.

Standardized SOC processes

Accelerate investigations by leveraging pre-built out-of-the-box (OOTB) response templates equipped with embedded searches, actions, and playbooks, empowering your security analysts. These templates provide a standardized and efficient approach to incident response, enabling your team to swiftly navigate and analyze security events. By leveraging these ready-to-use templates, your analysts can focus their efforts on resolving incidents effectively, minimizing response time, and strengthening your overall security operations.

Orchestration, automation and response

Seamlessly execute SOAR playbooks and actions directly within the console, eliminating the need to switch between different interfaces. Experience plug-and-play functionality with the flexibility to integrate the specific tools and solutions you require for various use cases. With this streamlined approach, you can efficiently orchestrate and automate security operations, reducing manual effort and improving response times.

Case Management

Leverage response templates to enhance your investigations by adding custom notes, intelligence data, and relevant files to document your progress. These templates provide a structured framework for capturing and organizing critical information, ensuring that valuable insights and findings are properly documented throughout the investigation process. By utilizing response templates, you can maintain comprehensive records and easily share knowledge within your security team, facilitating collaboration and improving the overall effectiveness of your incident response efforts.

Metrics and reporting

Utilize historical data from your response template tasks to generate comprehensive SOC metrics, reporting, and enhance auditability. By referencing the data captured during previous tasks, you can gain valuable insights into the performance and effectiveness of your security operations. This enables you to measure key metrics, track trends, and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, the availability of detailed historical data enhances the audit trail, providing transparency and accountability in your security processes. With access to these metrics, reporting, and auditability features, you can make data-driven decisions, demonstrate compliance, and continuously enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your SOC.

Integrated intelligence enrichment

Thoroughly investigate security events or suspicious activities by accessing the pertinent and standardized intelligence, enabling a deeper understanding of the threat context. By leveraging relevant and normalized intelligence sources, you can gather crucial information to analyze the nature of the security event and its potential impact on your environment. This comprehensive view allows you to assess the severity of the threat, identify any related indicators of compromise, and make informed decisions regarding incident response. Accessing and leveraging this intelligence enhances your ability to conduct thorough investigations and effectively mitigate security risks.